Eckmann-Hilton argument

I was really stunned reading Algebra, chapter 0 when I saw the idea of "group object" that can be expressed in any category. I never thought to ask what is the group object in the category of groups? The answer is abelian groups!

To prove this you NEED to use the Eckmann-Hilton argument.

Suppose you have a group object made up of the group $(G,\cdot)$ with morphisms $\circ$, identity and inverse. Then what you can do is show that $\cdot = \circ$ and they are both commutative.

We need to show that $$(a \circ b) \cdot (c \circ d) = (a \cdot c) \circ (b \cdot d).$$

I wasn't able to figure this out myself, I played around with the equations for a while but it's very very difficult! It's also extremely simple.

The proof is to take $\circ((a,b)\cdot^2(c,d))$ and then reduce it in two different ways.

Notice that we didn't use inverses at all? This proof equally applies to monoid objects in the category of monoids.

Constructive math

Caught a really interesting by Andrej Bauer about constructive maths <>.

Constructively there is a subset of the natural numbers that isn't finite or infinite! He also talked about a way to reorganize topology to defeat the Banach-Tarski Paradox, that's brilliant!

I thought about proving this in normal set theory, Define the finite sets $F_n = \{ i \in \mathbb N | i \le n \}$. Let $S \subset \mathbb N$ then by excluded middle either

We can conclude in the first case so it remains to conclude in the second - in that case we will show $|S| = |\mathbb N|$. We know $|S| \le |\mathbb N|$ since it's a subset.

We know $S$ is non-empty (it's not isomorphic to $F_0$) so take $s_0 \in S$. We know $S \setminus \{s_0\}$ is not empty, ... this continues forever. $|\{s_0,s_1,s_2,\cdots\}| = |\mathbb N|$ and the collection is a subset of $S$ so $|\mathbb N| \le |S|$.

I also learned about a very strong constructive axiom that can be added to a system <'s_thesis_%28constructive_mathematics%29> which implies the negation of excluded middle!

In the slides here <> he mentions a different proof of Cantors theorem! Very interesting. (Maybe it's only a little different though)