Sum of squares forms

In the last post we saw that, for example, -3 is a square mod any prime p=3k+1p = 3k+1. This means we have pu2+3p | u^2 + 3 or we can say we have a multiple of pp expressed as a sum of two squares if we write pu2+312p | u^2 + 3\cdot 1^2. Similarly for primes p=4k+1p = 4k+1 we have pu2+12p | u^2 + 1^2.

In some lecture notes ( - Lecture 6 - Sums of Squares ) I found a very nice proof that shows if we can write px2+y2p | x^2 + y^2 then we can "descend" to a smaller (x,y)(x,y) pair with the same property. By iterating this - since you can only get smaller so many times before you reach 1 - we eventually reach p=x2+y2p = x^2 + y^2. In fact this proof constitues an algorithm and I have it implemented.

Another key fact about these forms is the uniqueness of representation: Euler showed how to factor a number nn given two distinct representations n=x2+y2=u2+v2n = x^2 + y^2 = u^2 + v^2. This can be found in ( page 61 ). The consequence of this factoring algorithm is that any representation of a prime must be unique.

I was able to adapt both of these algorithms to the form x2+3y2x^2 + 3y^2. This proves that all primes p=3k+1p = 3k + 1 are represented, and in a unique way by this form.


Let x2+3y2=u2+3v2x^2 + 3y^2 = u^2 + 3v^2 be two distinct primitive representations of a number, by primitive I mean that (x,y)=1(x,y) = 1 and (u,v)=1(u,v) = 1 otherwise we would already have a factorization. Hence


Now x±ux \equiv \pm u, so by inverting the sign of uu assume xux \equiv u this means 3xu3 | x - u. Using the gcd we can resolve xux-u and x+ux+u into parts:

3αβγδ=3(xu3,vy)(xu3,v+y)(x+u,vy)(x+u,v+y)3 \alpha \beta \gamma \delta = 3(\frac{x-u}{3},v-y)(\frac{x-u}{3},v+y)(x+u,v-y)(x+u,v+y)

with α,β,γ,δ\alpha, \beta, \gamma, \delta all coprime to each other. Now

from which we can recover

multiplying out x2+3y2x^2 + 3y^2 in terms of these quantities, then considering the identity

(x2+3y2)(u2+3v2)=(xu+3yv)2+3(xvyu)2(x^2+3y^2)(u^2+3v^2) = (xu + 3yv)^2 + 3(xv - yu)^2

leads to the factorization

x2+3y2=(γ2+3α22)(δ2+3β22)x^2 + 3y^2 = (\frac{\gamma^2 + 3\alpha^2}{2})(\frac{\delta^2 + 3\beta^2}{2})


Let dp=x2+3y2dp = x^2 + 3y^2, we wish to find dp=u2+3v2d'p = u^2 + 3v^2 for some smaller d<dd' < d until p=u2+3v2p = u^2 + 3v^2


If d=1d=1 we are done and have a representation using this form.


If 3d3|d then we can simply "divide by 3": 3dp=x2+3y23d'p = x^2 + 3y^2 implies 3x3 | x so put 3u=x3u = x and 3dp=32u2+3y23d'p = 3^2\cdot u^2 + 3y^2 divide out the 3 to get: dp=y2+3u2d'p = y^2 + 3\cdot u^2.

3 doesn't divide d

This is the really interesting case, by congruence considerations d1d \equiv 1. Pick ux(modd)u \equiv x \,(\text{mod}\,d) and vy(modd)v \equiv y \,(\text{mod}\,d) with u,v<d/2|u|,|v| < d/2.

With the identity (x2+3y2)(u2+3v2)=(xu+3yv)2+3(xvyu)2(x^2+3y^2)(u^2+3v^2) = (xu + 3yv)^2 + 3(xv - yu)^2 in mind note

so pd2pd^2 divides the product a2+3b2a^2 + 3b^2, thus the pair (a/d,b/d)(a/d, b/d) leads to a smaller representation and lets us recurse.


Here is a bit of code that implements this

{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns, NoMonomorphismRestriction  #-}
import Prelude hiding ((/))

import System.Environment
--import System.Random
import Debug.Trace

x / y = if not test then error ("doesnt divide " ++ show (x,y)) else x `div` y
 where test = x `mod` y == 0

factorialm _ 0 = 1
factorialm !m !n = (n * factorialm m (n - 1)) `mod` m

--f :: Integer -> 

   forall prime p, p = 4k + 1, exists n. n^2 = -1 mod p

f !p = if not test then error "fail" else u where
    test = (u^2 + 1) `mod` p == 0
    u = factorialm p ((p - 1) / 2)

f' p = do
    n <- randomRIO (2, p - 1)
    let k = (p - 1) / 4
    let g = (n^k) `mod` p
    if (g^2 + 1) `mod` p == 0 then return g else f' p

pow p n 0 !r = r
pow p n 1 !r = n * r
pow p n k !r = pow p n (k - 1) ((n * r)`mod`p)

f3' p = do
     n <- [ 2 .. p - 1 ]
     let k = (p - 1) / 3
     let g = (2*pow p n k 1 + 1) `mod` p
     if (g^2 + 3) `mod` p == 0 then return g else [] -- f3' p

g !p = (f p, 1)

h !p !(a, b) = case () of
    _ | d == 1 -> if not test then error "really fail" else (a, b)
    _ | even d -> if even a then h p (a / 2, b / 2)
                            else h p ((a + b) / 2, (a - b) / 2)
    _ | odd d -> let (u, v) = (q a, q b) in h p ((a * u + b * v) / d, (a * v - b * u) / d)
        d = (a^2 + b^2) / p
        test = a^2 + b^2 == p
        q !a = let a' = a `mod` d in if 2 * a' > d then a' - d else a'

h3 !p !(a, b) = {- trace (show [a,b,d, q a, q b]) $ -} case () of
     _ | d == 1 -> if not test then error "really fail" else (a, b)
     _ | (d`mod`3) == 0 -> h3 p (b, a/3)
     _ | otherwise -> let (u, v) = (q a, q b) in
           h3 p ((a * u + 3 * b * v) / d, (a * v - b * u) / d)
        d = (a^2 + 3*b^2) / p
        test = a^2 + 3*b^2 == p
        q !a = let a' = a `mod` d in if 2 * a' > d then a' - d else a'

*Main> :l n
[1 of 1] Compiling Main             ( n.hs, interpreted )
Ok, modules loaded: Main.
*Main> h3 10687 (7307, 1)
*Main> 98^2 + 3*19^2
*Main> 3*3562210+1
*Main> head $ f3' (3*3562210+1)
*Main> h3 (3*3562210+1) (10239214, 1)
*Main> 2078^2 + 3*1457^2



The reason for all of this (besides being able to resolve primes into sum of squares forms) is that I want to prove something about n3=a2+3b2n^3 = a^2 + 3b^2

supposing (a,b)=1(a,b) = 1. This theorem comes from Weil - Number theory through history.

In this case any prime divisor pp of nn divides a2+3b2a^2 + 3b^2 and hence is of this form - therefore nn is a product of these forms and so we must have n=h2+3k2n = h^2 + 3k^2 and therefore n3=(h3+3k2h)2+3(kh2+3k3)2n^3 = (h^3 + 3k^2h)^2 + 3(kh^2 + 3k^3)^2

by the following calculation

? f(x,y,u,v) = [x*u+3*y*v, x*v - y*u]
%1 = (x,y,u,v)->[x*u+3*y*v,x*v-y*u]
? f(h,k,h,k)
%2 = [h^2 + 3*k^2, 0]
? f(h^2 + 3*k^2,0,h,k)
%3 = [h^3 + 3*k^2*h, k*h^2 + 3*k^3]

we can infact choose h,kh,k to make

This will be useful for a proof of fermats last theorem in the case n=3n=3.

All of this was completely elementary and did not make use of any irrational or imaginary numbers. The same results can be proved much quicker using algebraic number fields - they are of course what lurks behind all the mathematics here.